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Cob  Cottage & Palm House

Nairobi, Kenya

Welcome to The Nairobi Cob Cottage & Palm House! Using eco architecture, these houses

have been made using natural (and reclaimed) materials. If you are considering embarking

on your own sustainable and natural building project, use this website to see how they were

created  with no formal training at all.

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From a vast collection of Green Building books the one which guided everything in this building project

was "Building with Cob by Adam Wiseman & Katy Bryce. It's amazing!

A practical, hands on course with Kate Edwards also helped set us on our Cob Building journey!

Would highly recommend.


BOOK: Building with Cob: A Step-by-step Guide. by Adam Weismann and Katy Bryce

COB COURSE: Edwards and Eve Cob Course.  

YOUTUBE: YouTube tutorials also helped at each stage. It wouldn't have been easy without them.

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1. Purchased 1/2 acre plot in Nairobi, Kenya.


2. Researched methods of low cost and environmentally

friendly building techniques.


EARTHSHIPS: Invented by Michael Reynolds from New Mexico, the movie "Garbage Warrior"tells you about this fantastic building method. Earthships need plenty of space, and planning permission could be difficult. There are plenty of high quality tutorial videos on YouTube if you look.

STRAW BALE: This method needs a level of fine craftsmanship so it seemed

not as practical for my needs.

RAMMED EARTH, CORDWOOD, HEMPCRETE etc. After exploring many green building methods, cob has worked out to be an easy and really successful method.​ There are houses in the UK which are hundreds of years old made

of cob. Still standing and still beautiful.

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